
    Phys-Ed’s FIRST Running Program for 2017! This 10 week training program is in preparation for the Cheshire YMCA Sea Dog 10K on May 21st (race is optional of course as some participants are interested in program only). Along with what you see below, be prepared for endless amounts of fun along the way – seriously, THE BEST CAMARADERIE EVA!!!
    Please note – Valerie will need to know your commitment by Monday, March 6th in order to prep the training programs. A minimum of 8 people participating is required.
    Program is $150 for members of Phys-Ed ($20 drop in fee) $199 for non members ($25 drop in fee)
    Your 10 week training program includes:
    · Weekly group long runs, meeting on the following dates: (place TBD)
    1) Sunday, March 12th at 7am
    2) Sunday, March 19th at 7am
    3) Sunday, March 26th at 7am
    4) Sunday, April 2nd at 7am
    5) Sunday, April 9th at 7am
    6) Friday, April 14th at 5:00pm
    7) Saturday, April 22nd at 7am
    (Last week of April – follow training program on own or meet as group)
    8) Sunday, May 7th at 7am
    9) Saturday, May 13th at 7am
    · Private online accountability group – via Facebook
    · Two Yoga for Runners Classes at Phys-Ed by Valerie (Date/Time TBD)
    · Non Members will also get a trial membership of Phys-Ed during the 10wk. program
    · New friendships and plenty of laughs along the way!

    To register, stop by the Front Desk or call 860.355.4354